10,000 Bulletins: No One Can Stop the Presses! (Part 1)

Locust isn’t even a word in French, so it’s not like they anglicized a French word.

As far as I can tell no one in the retro gaming YouTube racket seems to give a shit, so it’s not too surprising?


I mean, everyone was doing this too.

I just wanted to post this



Victor’s butt is a gift to the world.

re: switch loading times, this is brutal


Really weird that Toy Box, of all studios, are working on a DC licensed game. Also, Toy Box seems to have existed in two different forms? As Toy Box in the 90s (they’re credited in Harvest Moon 64 in 1999) and then as Toybox, Inc. somewhere around 2012. I guess when Wada left Marvelous to do his own thing he actually just revived his old studio or something.


I mean, at the very least « punch the cartridge into the console » is hyper specific to both ads

I was screaming up until I clicked on the video and realized it was seconds:frames and not minutes:seconds like I was expecting. Switch is still disappointing though.



highway 61 will not be revisited


The Bob Dillon of Videogames


also… huh


I’m actually kinda tempted to spend the $10 to get a copy of Anthem and see how bad it really is compared to the various incarnations of Destiny

I was saying on discord this is the second time corporate conglomerate bought White Wolf to make a game out of it’s IP only for the digital game to implode, and cause a cascade of corporate reshuffling in tabletop game companies that creates an entirely new company run entirely by the original White Wolf tabletop game staff.

And this isn’t even counting the number of game companies even before the original CC Corp buyout that imploded trying to bring white Wolf video games to market.


it’s exactly like Destiny

, if every gun felt terrible and all the lore tried had a Jira task requirement to yoke Star Wars to mythic fantasy


I think for me part of this is that the WW games have always seemed rather not meant to be videogames? The few times I have played any of them, they felt much more social focused than most gamers would ever want to play.

but also lots of other problems, yeah.

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For all of its faults Destiny has never had near the technical performance problems Anthem has

For that matter the only Frostbite game I’ve seen that runs affirmatively well on consoles is Squadrons

I could totally envision a bunch of white wolf games working ok as video games, just not like, AAA blockbuster ones.

I could maybe figure something out with the two Werewolf TRPGS but werewolf has always been the weird other child and you’d have to be really careful to not slide into PNW white supremacist biker eco fash aesthetic, which the current werewolf seems to be going all in on so…


Yeah there are ways they can work as videogames, but my experience in playing them has been much less about combat (which videogames tend to focus on) than other things. This could still be done, but it doesn’t surprise me that multiple studios have had big problems trying to do that.

And yeah, there are all sorts of hazards as to where this could go.

Frostbite runs 60-fps sports titles just fine, and Battlefield/Battlefront are technical marvels

I think the problem is that a company-mandate to use an in-house engine constrains a lot of games that could have carried over in-house tech. Like all big software projects people underestimate how much work ‘starting fresh’ will be, and if you are asking a secondary studio to support you because you downscaled your in-house engine team, good luck getting them to prioritize your needs. For best results, realize you’re so overscoped that you need to put development across four separate studios in the last 18 months of production